Presented by Northern Stage, Dance City and Gem Arts

See Forbidden at Northern Stage on 20 October at 7:30pm

Why is the world scared of female sexual desire? In this powerful solo work, Aditi Mangaldas reflects on a question that is more urgent than it has ever been. Why are women the world over, from conservative as well as liberal societies; sanctioned, judged, controlled, hounded and eventually punished to have the courage to own their desire?

In a unique dance vocabulary of contemporary dance based on Kathak. Kathak, a South Asian dance style. FORBIDDEN looks to explore the root of this fear and persecution. Underscored by a wide range of cultures from across the globe, Aditi will journey through emotions and experiences, reclaiming her desire.

Forbidden is a performance that is fuelled by the every day taboo’s that come from social structures, mythology, and images from popular culture. The culture of shame that women live with, all become a subconscious stream that shape our behaviour.

Sexuality is private but the taboos attached to female sexuality requires and demands taking a stand on the universal, public and personal front.

– Aditi Mangaldas

The work is in three parts:

Awakening: Dream, Fragrant flower, Cage

Playing the Game: Denial, Adornment, Seduction, Rage

Burning: My story, Consigning to flames all that is FORBIDDEN

Age Guidance: 16+ (Contains mature sexual themes)