Dance Around the World - Summer Dance Camp 2024, 5th- 9th August - Dance City

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Newcastle Sunderland

Dance Around the World - Summer Dance Camp 2024, 5th- 9th August

A wonderful week of dance!
Mon 05 Aug 2024 9:00am
Running time: 8 hours per day, 5 days
Age: 5-16 years

Summer Camp 1: Monday 5 August - Friday 9 August 9am-5pm with a performance on Friday

Dance City’s Dance Camps give children a chance to try lots of different dance styles in a safe, friendly, and inspiring environment, and perform for parents at the end of the week.

This summer Dance City will take you on an amazing globetrotting adventure travelling to a different international destination every day to explore the dance styles and create inspirational routines which you will perform in the Camp Finale Show. You will Hip Hop to the USA, dance with dragons in China, and go carnival crazy in Rio! A jam-packed week of culturally diverse inspiration where you will be dancing, creating, prop making and performing.

Dance Camps take place in the beautiful Dance City venue in Newcastle. Whether your child already dances or is a complete beginner all they need is passion and enthusiasm to get moving and have fun! The teaching staff are all experienced dance artists who will support your child to have the best experience, growing not only in dance skills but in confidence and social skills too.

We end the week with an exciting performance for friends and family, on stage in Dance City’s very own Theatre. The performance will take place at 3pm on 9 August.

-Dance City's Summer is £140
-Lunch package available- see more below.
-Children are sorted into age and skill appropriate groups at the start of each Dance Camp, by our expert dance teaching team.

Lunch package:

We're excited to let you know that meal deals are now available to book for this year's camps. Lunch will be provided by The Seven Bridges, our on site café, and can be booked via our ticket office - find out more below.

As an alternative, children are welcome to bring their own packed lunch from home. A tuck shop will be on offer at break times.

Due to a severe nut allergy amongst the participants, please do not bring nuts in packed lunches

Meal deals must be pre-booked by calling our Ticket Office on 0191 261 0505
before Wednesday 31 July.
£5 per child, per day

Please make our Ticket Office aware of any allergies when booking the lunch package.

Choose from either:
-Grilled cheese sandwich
-Cold ham sandwich
-Cold cheese sandwich

With either:
-Carrot sticks

-Orange juice
-Apple juice
-Still water

Terms & Conditions. Please note orders are non-refundable except in the case of a summer camp place being cancelled

General Information

  • * Dance Camps start at 9.00am and run until 5.00pm every day.
  • * There is a morning break, a lunchtime hour, and a break in the afternoon.
  • * Drop off is permitted between 8.45am and 9am, and collection between 5pm and 5.15pm.
  • * There will be a tuck shop trolley available in morning break where children can buy snacks.

To view our second Summer Dance Camp, click HERE.

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