Dance-along Dirty Dancing - Dance City

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Newcastle Sunderland

Dance-along Dirty Dancing

Sat 20 Feb 2016 8:00pm
Running time: approx 2 hours
Age: 15+
Tickets: £12.50
Concessions: £9.50
As Dance City celebrates 30 years so does the definitive dance film Dirty Dancing. This timeless classic tells the summer love story of Baby (Jennifer Grey) who falls in love with her dance teacher Johnny (Patrick Swayze).

Dress up and dance-along to the film with your host Chris Stuart-Wilson. After a quick warm-up you’ll learn a few moves from key moments in the film. Get ready to carry some watermelons and have the time of your life.

Dressing up like it's 1963 is encouraged but not compulsory.
Ladies: for inspiration why not try
Gents: tuck your white t-shirt into your black jeans and wear the waistband nice and high. Alternatively, channel your inner Patrick Swayze and don an open collared shirt with a bad boy black leather jacket.